GoCampingAmerica.com | Posted June 2nd,

    Camping with Pets

    Happy Camper Blog

    Your pets are
    part of the family, so it’s only natural to want to take them along on your
    camping trips. Before you do, though, here are a few things to consider to
    make sure that Fido or Fluffy enjoys the experience as much as you do!

    1.     Do a Reality
    You know your pet better than anyone else, so make sure
    that their personality is suited for camping. Are they easily excitable? Do
    they bark a lot? Do they get stressed in unfamiliar situations?  If
    so, you may want to acclimate them to new outdoor experiences by taking them
    for a series of short hikes before bringing them along on an actual camping
    trip. On the other hand, if they’re highly adaptable and play well with
    others, you’re good to go! 

    2.     Check
    with Your Campground
    . Of course, you’ll need to make sure that
    your campground is pet friendly, but you’ll also need to learn what their
    rules are regarding leashing and tethering so you can pack the appropriate
    equipment. Keep in mind that many campgrounds do not allow you to leave pets
    unattended, so decide how that rule will factor in to your plans before you
    decide to bring your pet along. Some campgrounds also place limits on the
    number or weight of pets.

    3.     Be
    Make sure your pet is healthy, up to date on
    vaccinations and has protection from fleas, ticks and heartworm. Bring along
    their regular food (and favorite treats!) so their diet doesn’t change, as
    well as any medications they may be taking. It’s also a good idea to bring
    their vet records along in case of an emergency. 

    4.     Tag
    our Pet. If your pet’s tag only
    has your home phone number on it, you’ll want to get a new one with your cell
    phone number. Another idea is to write your campsite number on a sticker and
    apply it to your pet’s tag or collar. If your pet isn’t already microchipped,
    you might want to have this done before you leave home so you’ll be even
    better prepared should your pet wander off.

    5.     Pack
    Something Familiar from Home.
    If your pet has a favorite toy
    or bedding, bring it along. You may also want to pack a small tarp to put under
    the bed.

    6.     Be Ready
    to do Clean-up Duty
    . You’ll need to pick up after your pet out
    of respect for your campground and fellow campers, so be sure to pack those
    poop bags.

    7.     Stay
    Check frequently to make sure your pet has plenty of
    shade and water. Also, since pets are naturally curious, be on guard against
    unwanted encounters with skunks and other wild critters, and check your pet’s
    paws and fur for burrs, thorns and other natural matter they may pick up

    Above all, have fun with your pet and take plenty of photos to
    document the experience!