GoCampingAmerica.com | Posted August
    1st, 2017

    Happy National Trail Mix

    Happy Camper Blog

    August 31 is National Trail Mix Day, the perfect time to
    celebrate this versatile, portable and nutritious snack. Did you know that in
    Australia and New Zealand, trail mix is called scroggin or schmogle? Here in
    the U.S., it’s also called gorp, which, depending on who you ask, stands for
    “good old raisins and peanuts” or “granola, oats, raisins and peanuts.” One
    of the fun things about making your own trail mix is that you don’t have to
    follow a recipe — you can completely customize your mix to suit your own
    tastes. You can even get the kids involved by putting out a variety of trail
    mix ingredients in separate containers and letting them make their own
    “recipe” in a zip top bag. (You don’t even have to tell them how healthy it
    How to create your own trail mix.
    Some food experts say that your trail mix should contain about 50 percent
    nuts, especially pecans, almonds, cashews, walnuts or Brazil nuts because of
    their high nutritional value. Other options are peanuts, pistachios,
    macadamia nuts or hazelnuts.
    Next comes the fun part where you can get really creative:
    • Include Something Salty — Mini pretzels, popcorn, salted roasted
    • Plant a Few Seeds — Sunflower, pumpkin or flax
    • Sneak in Some Sweet Treats – Chocolate chips, peanut butter chips,
      chocolate covered raisins, mini-marshmallows or animal
    • Add Some Crunch – Toasted oat or puffed rice cereal, granola, bite-sized
    • Don’t Forget the Dried Fruit – Apricots, apples, raisins, coconut,
      cranberries, dates, figs cherries, banana chips
    • Spice it Up – Wasabi peas, garlic powder, cumin, cayenne pepper, chili
      powder, cinnamon, ginger, sea salt
    Once you’ve made your trail mix, store it in an airtight container or
    divide it up into individual servings and place them in zip top