GoCampingAmerica.com | Posted April
    4th, 2014

    7 Essential Tips to Keep Your Camp
    Site Organized And Clean

    Happy Camper Blog

    If you are a
    car camper, you will certainly bring a lot of stuff for a weekend or week of
    camping. Organization and cleanliness are essential for happy camping and
    keeping the animals at bay. Here are some

    1. Personal belongings can be brought in a
      suitcase, backpack or duffel bag and left in the tent or back of your car or
      truck. When you remove something, always be sure to put it back where you
      found it after using it.
    2. Trash accumulates quickly over
      time. Be sure to bring plenty of large heavy duty trash bags. Bringing a
      collapsible garbage can helps provide a secure location for your trash if the
      wind picks up or little critters come searching. Having a separate recycling
      bin is also advised, as often drinks in glass or aluminum are enjoyed in
      large quantities.
    3. Each morning after waking, straighten
      your sleeping bags and other personal sleeping items so everything is where
      you want it when you go to sleep. Remember by then it will be dark and it
      will be nice to just crawl into bed.
    4. The kitchen tends to
      be the hangout on a campout. Keeping it clean and organized with a portable
      camp kitchen is essential. With a quality camp kitchen you can store all your
      kitchen gear and dried goods in one place. There is a place not only to cook
      but to clean. Clean up soon after enjoying each meal, putting everything back
      in its storage space.
    5. When fires are not banned, campers
      tend to collect wood for the camp fire. Be sure to set aside a space not too
      far from the fire where the various sized pieces of wood can be kept. Under a
      tree is good so people aren’t tripping over the wood in the dark. And the
      tree will protect the firewood from the rain.
    6. Camping is
      a time to relax and enjoy the natural environment. When either sitting and
      reading or hiking and fishing, be sure to put all your wrappers from
      sandwiches or snacks either in your pocket or backpack and dispose of them in
      the trash bin when you return. Never drop trash on the ground for someone
      else to find.
    7. Before you leave your campsite pack out or
      dispose of trash and recycling in proper bins. Be sure to look closely at
      your campsite for any forgotten belongings or stray

    Having a clean and organized sight while
    camping also makes packing up to leave a breeze.

    My Camp
    Kitchen builds and sells portable wooden camp kitchens. Please visit our website
    at or call (303) 972-4721.